The Alabama HIPP program is specifically for qualifying Medicaid recipients and their families who have access to group health insurance.
To qualify for the HIPP program, your application must prove that the annual cost of your health insurance policy is less than the entire annual cost of your or your dependent’s medical expenses.
Other requirements: #1. At least one Medicaid Recipient should live in your household. The chances of qualifying for HIPP increase when you have three or more Medicaid Recipients in your household or if one or more of them have a high-cost healthcare condition. Click here to apply for Medicaid benefits. #2. There must be a household member who has access to group health insurance through COBRA or a job that can cover at least one person who is Medicaid eligible in the state of Alabama. If you qualify for HIPP, an employer must provide your group health insurance, even if open enrollment has passed. In addition, if you have not yet enrolled in your employer’s health benefits, you can start the application process by providing proof of the potential cost of the group insurance. HIPP will tell you what type of policy you would qualify for, if any. #3. You must be able to provide the following Information:
- Policyholder’s Social Security number
- Policy number & group number of the group insurance
- Employer & employee share of premium cost
- Medicaid Recipient(s) name & Medicaid identification number(s)
- Insurance card
- Summary of benefits for your plan or desired plan
- Employer health insurance rate sheet (proof of the cost for group health insurance)
- Paystub if it shows premium deduction